April 2021, Issue 3
The Golden Arrow E-Newsletter

GA NEWS Inside this issue:
Keep it Clean …………….2
Recycling …………………2
Green Roof ……………….3
Green Amenities ………..3
Go Green …………………4
The Earth Day Issue
Joell Stetson - Marketing Director
The Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort was the first resort in the United States to receive Platinum Certification in the Audubon International’s rigorous eco-rating program. The Golden Arrow is committed to being eco-friendly while delivering a premium guest experience.
We are lucky enough to live, work, and play in the beautiful Adirondack Park. When you look out the giant picture windows in our lobby, you’ll understand why being green is so important. The Adirondack Park is made up of 6 million acres, and contains the largest protected area in the contiguous United States. The Golden Arrow wants to do everything we can to stay
eco-friendly and protect this “forever wild” forest preserve.
Read on to see some of our eco-friendly initiatives and what you can do to go green!

Keep it Clean
Bee Kind
Our shampoo and conditioner come from the BeeKind Hotelier Collection. The paper bottles are a packaging innovation that represents a 59% reduction in material by weight and a 92% reduction in waste space compared to rigid plastic bottles, as well as in 100% recyclable tubes. We also use the BeeKind refillable dispensers in our locker room showers.
A portion of the profits from BeeKind products is used to help support the Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility at the University of California, Davis.
Clean the World
We collect the discarded soap bars (also from BeeKind) and send them to Clean the World. Clean the World leads a Global Hygiene Revolution to distribute recycled soap and hygiene products from more than 8,000+ hotel and resort partners to children and families in countries with a high death rate due to pneumonia and cholera.

An easy & common practice everyone can do!
We began our in-room recycling program in June of 2007. It was received with a resounding YES! We have had more than 85% of our guests participate in the program during their stays. Since the program’s inception, we have more than doubled the amount of recycling this resort sends out. That means that the amount of garbage that is sent to landfills has been seriously reduced. In 2020, we recycled 316 Cubic Yards of garbage; that is approximately the volume of 9 school busses full of recycling!
Green Roof
Beautiful & Beneficial
Completed in June of 2008, the Green Roof is a 3,400-square-foot roof that you can enjoy from the deck of Generations Restaurant. Green Roofs have many benefits including creating energy savings by acting as a super insulator, keeping the building warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It also acts as a storm water management system, catching pollutants as they drain off the roof. This is especially important for us since we are located directly on the lake. The oxygen released by the plants will help the hotel reduce its carbon footprint and hopefully provide a nice habitat for birds and insects. The roof also doubles the life of the roof underneath it by protecting it from the elements.

Green Amenities
The Beach
In addition to looking beautiful, the white sand on our beach has another purpose. It is made of crushed limestone which helps counteract the effects of acid rain: a big problem in the Adirondack Park. Every spring we truck in tons of it to help keep Mirror Lake clean.
The Gym
Even our gym is eco-friendly! It features an Elkay EZH2O Water bottle filling station, flooring made from recycled rubber tires, and Haiku Ceiling Fans (these fans save 80% more energy compared to regular ceiling fans.

then use the tips to help break free from single-use plastics! Find the calculator at earthday.org
and make changes to reduce it — it’s something we can all do to help the planet.
Find the calculator at carbonfootprint.com
Test your Knowledge
How much do you know about the threats that our oceans and marine creatures that call them home face from plastic pollution? Take the quiz at eathday.org
Green Eating
A foodprint measures the environmental impacts associated with the growing, producing, transporting, and storing of our food— from the natural resources consumed to the pollution produced to the greenhouse gases emitted.
While we should all be working to reduce our foodprints, there are many factors, including access, affordability, health, and culture that help shape our decisions about what we eat. There is not one prescribed diet for everyone.
Find out the different ways you can make an impact on your foodprint at earthday.org
Compost is organic material that can be added to soil to help plants grow. Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up more than 30 percent of what we throw away, and could be composted instead. Making compost keeps these materials out of landfills where they take up space and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
What to compost:

Fruits and vegetables
Coffee grounds and filters
Tea bags
Nut shells
Shredded newspaper
Yard trimmings
Grass clippings
Hay and straw
Wood chips
Cotton and Wool Rags
Hair and fur
Fireplace ashes
See more on our eco-friendly initiatives at golden-arrow.com/we-are-eco-friendly & more tips on going green at golden-arrow.com/earth-month.
visit epa.gov for composting basics, how to’s, and what you shouldn’t compost.